Tokyo Revengers Genre. Tokyo Revengers: With Takuya Eguchi, Shota Hayama, Yu Hayashi, Satoshi Hino. Please, reload page if you can't watch the video.
Kehidupan Takemichi Hanagaki berada pada titik terendah sepanjang masa. Realizing he has a chance to save her, Takemichi resolves to infiltrate the Tokyo Manji Gang and climb the ranks in order to rewrite the future and save. Realizing he has a chance to save her, Takemichi resolves to infiltrate the Tokyo Manji Gang and climb the ranks in order to rewrite the future and save Hinata from her tragic fate.
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Takemichi Hanagaki is a freelancer that's reached the absolute pits of despair in his life.
Looking To Watch Tokyo Revengers Anime For Free? Authority Equals Asskicking: Mikey and Draken are the commander. He finds out that the only girlfriend he ever had in his life that he dated in middle school, Hinata Tachibana..ズ ; Tokyo Manji Revengers ; Toukyou卍Revengers ; Tokyo卍Revengers ; Toukyou Revengers.